First off, my name is pronounced "deer-dray". Most people look at my name and don't want to even try to say it. At the doctor's office, the nurse comes out with her clipboard and stops cold, and I say, "Yeah, that's me".
I'm a teen librarian for a rural community in southeastern Indiana and am currently working toward my MLS at IUPUI. I created this blog as part of a class requirement.
I live on 30 acres in with my sweetie-pie (also known as Grump-A**), 4 dogs (Kate, Rags, Junk, and Indy), 2 cats (Sunny and Tiberius), and a small flock of hilariously entertaining chickens. There are periodically other critters visiting as well (once a little herd of 5 cows came and stayed for a week!). We make our own pure maple syrup and we have 2 kids (grown and gone) that have been the absolute joy of my life.